
About Me

Hi, Bloggers!

Well, since I –now- know how to make pages, I will make one, which has a very standard and common title ‘About Me’

According to the title, I will explain more about myself, and before I start, I remind you that this is so not important, unless, of course, you guys wanna know more about me.. but if you don’t, I won’t get offended if you click the red button with an ‘x’ right at the upper right of your monitor J

Okay, no more prologue, let’s get to the main point..

As you (maybe) already know, I am a girl and right now I am single and I have not planned to marry in about seven or eight more yearsJ. My full name is “Giardani Syafitri”. At first my mother planned to call me “Syasha” but then she call me “Fitri”.

The meaning of my full name is
“Giar”   : My mum’s name
“dani”   : Close/near
“Syafi”  : Healer
“Fitri”   : Holy

So, the meaning is that my parent wants me to become a Holy Healer that is close to my mother. My birthday is in February 20, 1996. I have a brother, named Alghi, a father, named Herry Sudiro, and a mother, named Sugiarti.

Right now my hobbies are writing/typing, breathing, sleeping, swimming, ice skating and reading. My favorite lessons are Biology, English and I am always interested to learn France or German.

I am a very ambitious girl, in a positive way, because I always wanted to do the best and someday I will be the best, though I fully realize that there will always be someone better than I am, I use that person as my way to jump higher.

My favorite books from all age are : William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet; Twilight saga; Harry Potter series; Evermore series; Ilana Tan’s series; Ai; Let Go; Refrain; and many more…

My dream places are : St. James and Regents Park in London ; Musee Louvre and Musee Rodin in France; Arc de Triumph in France; Eiffel Tower in France; and Bunaken Water Park in Sulawesi.

Umm I guess that’s all. If you want to know more about me contact me:

@Facebook : giardani syafitri
Okay, guys, that’s all. Oh! And don’t forget to read my novel Birthstones that I post in this blog, Thanks. Je t’aime guys! merci beaucoup for readin